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10 Free Google Digital Marketing Courses

#10 Free Google Digital Marketing Courses | 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Are you interested in learning digital marketing and willing to know about top digital marketing courses?

Wish to get certified by Google and kickstart your career with an impressive digital marketing certification?


Google Digital Garage Courses will help you learn Digital Marketing from Search Engines, Search Marketing, and Paid Advertising to Social Media, and Mobile Marketing to Analytics and beyond.

As the world of digital marketing keeps on developing at a fast pace, advertisers and internet marketers are confronted with new difficulties and opportunities.

The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow. – Bill Gates

Digital Marketing Courses are intended to guide students and marketing professionals & make them learn Digital Marketing channels, strategies, and related practices that can help them channel and optimize their digital marketing Google campaigns.

Students who wish to know how to learn digital marketing & embrace the Google Online Marketing Challenges are urged to finish the digital marketing course by Google. An individual may shell out so many bucks on these Google Digital Marketing Courses but to appear for the exam, the basics must be clear.

Are you serious about learning Digital Marketing? Check out Asia’s #1 Online Digital Marketing Course Now! 

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Table of Contents

Date: Apr 29 (Sat), 2023Time: 11 AM - 12 PM(IST)Save My SpotDifferent skills that marketers learn in this course help them to build a rewarding career in Digital Marketing.

Google digital marketing courses help marketers learn AdWords and hence set them up for the Google Partners AdWords Certification exams.

Let’s look video on Introduction to Google Digital Garage.

Let me first discuss the pre-course preparation for Google Digital Marketing Courses, and then I’ll let you delve into the 10 Free Digital Marketing Courses by Google.

Pre-Course Preparation needed for Google Digital Marketing Courses

It would be ideal if you take some time to finish the steps given below before starting the digital marketing course by Google.

Firstly, you need to ensure that you are signed in to your Google Account before you begin. You should be signed in to your Google Account keeping in mind the end goal to access most of the Google Digital Marketing courses.

On the off chance that you are taking the Google AdWords Certification Exams, you’ll have to make a Google Partners account, by taking the steps given below:

First of all, you need to visit Google.com/partners Then, you need to click – Join Google Partner After this, you will be required to click Join Now, (at this point, if you aren’t as of now signed in to your Google Account, you have to do that right now) Now, you should accept the terms of service Then, you need to choose whether you want to get emails from Partners You need to Click Sign up now and then “Search for your company to unlock additional benefits”, you need to search for “GOMC” and select to affiliate with the Google Online Marketing Challenge Finally, you need to click on Certifications from the left-hand menu and click on the See Exams button to get started with Google digital marketing courses exams

Google’s free digital marketing course is one of the best online courses offered by Google. It is a great opportunity for you to learn the fundamentals of digital marketing and get honored with a renowned google digital marketing certificate.

Now, as you are done with your pre-course preparation for the Google Marketing Course, the time has come to know the Google Digital Marketing Courses List:

10 Free Google Digital Marketing Courses | Google Certifed 1. Introduction to Digital Marketing – Google Digital Unlocked Course Google digital marketing course

Google digital unlocked

Google Digital Unlocked course module offers students a comprehensive overview of the digital marketing landscape and presents all the key concepts and vocabulary that are incorporated in subsequent modules.

Just to give you an insight, Digital Marketing is an amalgam of Marketing through various online channels. These channels primarily include Search Engines, Social Media, and E-Mails.

When you get free online digital marketing courses with certificates from Google, it is worth opting for the course. Learn the fundamentals of digital marketing and conquer your landscape. The Digital Unlocked is Google’s resource that will aid you to boost your digital knowledge & help you to learn Digital Marketing optimally. It is your one-stop shop for acing digital marketing skills with free Digital Marketing courses on everything from search to SEO to social media, to help you grow your online business or digital marketing career.

(i) Google’s Digital Unlocked platform is free, wherein you just need to sign up. You can easily complete your Google Digital Marketing course plan (consisting of twenty-three topics) by viewing the lessons and checking your insight with fun and quick quizzes. Finally, unlock certification questions and receive certificates when you clear the exam.

(ii) This course is perfect for all those who wish to get started in Digital Marketing and like to hone their digital marketing skills with certifications to make their CV impressive. In Digital Unlocked Introduction to Digital Marketing Course, you can watch different video tutorials from everyday DM experts of Google.

iii) Digital Unlocked also aids you in understanding the practical aspect of DM learning and provides you with methods to apply your knowledge to test what you have learned.

(iv) Digital Unlocked includes The Primer app that delivers  5-minute digital marketing lessons in Hindi and English that will help you learn how to start a business, build a website, do SEO, run online ads, and more. It offers free Digital Marketing courses that include Google Analytics certifications for individuals who complete their entire Google Digital marketing course content.

A point to note here is that, although Google Digital Marketing Courses tell you how to do things, they do not necessarily give you a lot of information on the real-time applications of these tactics.

Want to Know the Path to Become a Digital Marketing Expert?Download Detailed Brochure and Get Complimentary access to Live Online Demo Class with Industry Expert Date: 29th Apr (Sat) Time: 3 PM IST

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2. Google Ads Fundamentals Course Google digital marketing course

Google adwords certification

Digital Advertising gives you a chance to focus on your advertisements to the kind of clients you need, and sift through those you don’t. The time you plan to advertise on the web with AdWords, you can utilize distinctive targeting techniques to achieve potential clients right at the time when they’re hunting down your items or administrations.

Google Ads Fundamental course helps students build up an essential comprehension of AdWords and get ready for the AdWords Fundamentals exam.

Course Content AdWords Exam Study Guide It provides students with data and information about the essential parts of online promotions and AdWords, including the advantages of internet advertising, how to set up and deal with an AdWords campaign, & how to gauge and streamline your campaign’s execution. AdWords Refresher Guide This helpful Refresher Guide is an abbreviated rendition of the full AdWords Fundamentals Study Guide and an awesome refresher before you take the exam or deal with your AdWords Ad campaign. Google Academy for Ads It helps you find out about Google’s advertisement products and gives you the aptitudes you need to succeed in online advertising. You need to take each one of the Google Digital Marketing courses, pass the Assessment, and gain an Achievement to show on your profile. Guide To AdWords Success A series of aides that will help you realize what you have to think about internet marketing, make a campaign that achieves new clients and figure out how to track and enhance outcomes of your AdWords advertising campaigns. Building Relevant Ads with Ad Extensions Utilizing advertisement extension resembles giving your promotion a major sign saying ‘I’m here. Thus, Digital Marketing Course Google will help you figure out how to optimize the visibility of your Ads and increment click-through rates by including advertisement extensions. How to Build the Best Keyword List Building an extraordinary keyword list helps advertisers impart the best message to potential clients in the most effective manner. These Google Digital Marketing Courses will help you figure out how to state the best thing, at the most accurate time. Campaign Settings It will aid you to figure out how to get your Advertisement seen when and where you need it with Campaign Settings. 3 Steps to Budget Smarts This will help you find out how to oversee and benefit as much as possible from your financial plan. 3. Google Ads Search Advertising Course Google digital marketing course

Search advertising adwords certification

Advertisements on the Google Search Network aid advertisers contact the ideal individuals at the opportune time by utilizing important keyword records.

The Google Ads Search Certification course helps students build up a solid comprehension of search advertising optimization excellent practices and get ready for the Search Advertising exam.

Course Content Search Advertising Exam Study Guide It lets you learn everything from how search functions, how to compose Ad Campaigns, Ad Configurations, and how to screen and upgrade Ad performance. Search Refresher Guide This convenient asset is an abbreviated rendition of the full Search Advertising Study Guide and can fill in as an extraordinary refresher before you take the AdWords exam or as you are dealing with your AdWords campaign. Introduction to Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA) It helps you send the correct message to the right individual at the ideal time utilizing RLSA. 4. Google Ads Display Advertising Course Google digital marketing course

Google adwords display certification

Isn’t it intriguing to know how Google’s digital marketing course helps to reach your desired results? Know about the advertising course…

It can help you contact individuals while they’re going through their most loved sites, demonstrating a companion YouTube video, analyzing their Gmail record, or utilizing mobile applications and sites.

Google Ads Display Certification course cover what the diverse sorts of display ads are, how they work, and best practices for campaign administration in readiness for the Display Advertising exam.

Course Content Exam Study Guide It covers everything from fundamental and advanced display advertising concepts, including best practices for making, managing, measuring, and streamlining display ad campaigns over the Display Network. Refresher Guide This helpful asset is an abbreviated adaptation of the full Display Advertising Study Guide and can fill in as an extraordinary refresher before you take the exam or as you are dealing with your AdWords campaign. Display Settings This helps you figure out how to take full advantage of the GDN with Display campaign settings. Introduction to Remarketing It helps you learn about remarketing and reminds individuals what you’re putting forth. For reasons unknown they may have missed it the first time, remarketing says ‘I’m good enough to have another look’. Setting up Remarketing It will help you figure out how to set up remarketing tags and it demonstrates to you the best practices to capture the insights of clients required for solid remarketing records. 5. Google Mobile Advertising Course Google digital marketing course

Google mobile advertising certification

The modules in this course acquaint you with the developing significance of smartphones and mobile advertising. In addition, it sets you up for the Mobile Advertising exam as well. You will figure out mobile Ad campaign methodologies, best practices, and a lot more.

Course Content Exam Study Guide It is best for individuals who need to get ready for Mobile bidding and targeting, mobile advertisements, estimation, etc. Refresher Guide This helpful asset is shortened form of the full Mobile Advertising Study Guide and it can fill in as an awesome refresher before you take the exam or as you are dealing with your Mobile AdWords campaigns. Mobile Ads With clients progressively in a hurry, knowing how to run mobile advertisements that get their attention is fundamental. By reading Google’s manual, you can figure out how to make wonderful promotions that deserve people’s consideration. 6. Google Ads Video Advertising Course

Video advertising ads certification

A video is one of the most incredible approaches to making a real association with potential clients.

Google Ads Video Certification Course clarifies the significance of video, surveys how video campaigns work, and offers video promotion best practices in planning for the Video Advertising exam.

Course Content Exam Study Guide It covers everything from essential and advanced Video advertising concepts to how video promotions on YouTube and the Google Display Network can help your customers meet their advertising objectives. Additionally, it includes Video advertising campaign creation and management including performance measurement and optimization. Refresher Guide This helpful asset is an abbreviated form of the full Video Advertising Study Guide that can fill in as an awesome refresher before you take the Video Advertising exam or as you are dealing with your AdWords campaign for video advertising. Types of Video Ads Find out about the diverse sorts of video advertisements and how they can help your customer’s business flourish. Selling AdWords for Video Utilizing AdWords for video takes advantage of the world’s biggest video prospects. It helps you display AdWords for video as an answer to your business partner. How to Make Video Ads It helps you figure out how to make a video advertisement for your business partners using YouTube in the quickest possible manner. 7. Google Shopping Ads Course Google digital marketing course

Google shopping advertising adwords certification

Shopping advertising campaigns put your product images, cost, and business name directly before the individuals, hunting down for what you offer on Google.

Google Shopping ads Certification Course modules in this course cover the creation and administration of your Google Merchant Center account, optimization of shopping campaigns, and befitting practices in planning for the Shopping Advertising exam.

Course Content Exam Study Guide It is considered best for individuals who need to plan for the Shopping Advertising exam. The course covers everything from making and dealing with your Google Merchant Center account, data feed submission of products, bidding, optimization, etc. Refresher Guide This is an abbreviated rendition of the full Shopping Advertising Study Guide and can fill in as an extraordinary refresher before you take the shopping advertising exam or as you are dealing with your shopping AdWords campaigns. 8. Google Analytics Academy Course Google digital marketing course

Google analytics certification

Google Analytics Academy Course covers a review of Google Analytics; why it is imperative, how it works, and how to get around within the Analytics tools.

Course Content Analytics Academy You need to finish the Analytics Academy’s Digital Analytics Fundamentals and Platform Principles courses to plan for the Analytics IQ exam and figure out how Analytics functions, how to make a Google Analytics account, gather information, explore reports, and so on. Analytics IQ Study Guide Notwithstanding finishing the Analytics Academy’s Digital Analytics Fundamentals and Platform Principles courses, these Help Center articles will aid you to plan for the Analytics IQ exam in the most efficient manner possible. Adwords and Analytics Figure out how connecting AdWords and Analytics can enhance your messaging, bidding, and execution of campaigns. Google Analytics | Smart Goals Realize what Smart Goals are and how they can help you distinguish the most engaged clients on your customer’s site. 9. Tools and Best Practices Course Google digital marketing course

Google adwords keyword planner

An effective advertising campaign requires befitting planning and arrangement. Students ought to utilize the assets in this course to help comprehend their prospects and competitor scene and investigate the latest digital marketing trends and keyword searches in their industries.

Google Best Practices Guide

Google’s Best Practices Series give vital counsel on the best search engine marketing strategies, AdWords tactics, and the foundation of paid search advertising. Different tools available in Google Digital Marketing Courses are-

(i) Google Planning Tools

(ii) Keyword Planner and Display Planner

(iii) Google Trends

(iv) Consumer Barometer, etc.

10. Google My Business Course Google digital marketing course

Google my business homepage

Even though making a Google My Business page is not a prerequisite of the Google Online Marketing Challenge, checking on and sharing this information with your business partner can be exceptionally valuable for further building up your customer’s online presence.

This optional course focuses on Google My Business, which is a resource that lets business owners with storefronts or local service areas create or claim a free business listing on Google. Google My Business online Training will show you how to set up Google My Business and get the most out of it.

What is Google My Business?

Google My Business is a free tool that aids entrepreneurs and business owners to keep their information accurate and updated in Google Search and Maps. By going through a verification process, you can include and alter information like store address, hours of operation, and photographs. The course includes-

(i) Why is a Google My Business listing important

(ii) How to Create and Verify a Business Listing

(iii) How to Make Changes to Business Information

Who can Apply for Google Digital Marketing Courses? (i) College Graduates

Irrespective of which field of education you are related to, you can easily opt for a Digital Marketing Course. While Digital Marketing is a short-term course, it can be done simultaneously with regular studies.

(ii) Marketing Professionals

Marketing professionals can join a digital marketing course to broaden their horizons in the marketing landscape. By applying for Google’s Digital Marketing Course, marketing professionals gain an in-depth understanding of the digital world to formulate their marketing strategies.

(iii) People looking for Change in their Career

People who are looking for a career change can also join Digital Marketing Course by Google to give a new direction to their career goals.

(iv) Entrepreneurs & Businessmen

Entrepreneurs and businessmen can join the Digital Marketing Course by Google to innovate their business strategies & plans, reach out to their target audience and increase sales & conversions.

Skills that You will Develop to become a successful Digital Marketer: The complete list of skills that students will learn under the Google Digital Marketing course is mentioned below. Google Analytics Email Marketing Mobile Marketing SEO SEM Inbound Marketing Data Insight E-commerce Business Strategy Local Marketing Display Advertising Content Marketing Social Media Marketing Video Ads International Marketing Conclusion

Aforestated Google Digital Marketing Courses are designed to help digital marketers learn everything about digital marketing comprehensively and practically. Read this Quora answer to know the steps to get a Digital Marketing certification from Google.

Google Digital Marketing courses also aid marketers to clear the certification exams and help them to become Google-certified digital marketing professionals. But before diving into this, you should have a clear vision of the Digital Marketing Course Content as well.

However, to become a true Digital Marketer & know how to learn Digital Marketing, you need a lot of practice and as with any other skill, some extensive mentorship. You cannot gain a true understanding of Digital Marketing unless you study a lot of case studies and take learnings from the experiences of a skilled Digital Marketer.

The Certified Digital Marketing Master (CDMM) Course of Digital Vidya is specially designed to help students pass their Google  Digital Marketing Certification Exams. Not only that, this digital marketing institute gives you all that it takes to be a skilled Digital Marketer.

Also, the trainers who lead the program are Google certified and help you understand the practical aspects of Google Digital Marketing Courses & will clear your doubts regarding how to learn digital marketing. To build your career in the Digital Marketing Industry, read this ebook on “The Journey of a Digital Marketer“.

In case you wish to know more about the best digital marketing courses by Google or Google Digital Marketing  Certification programs, feel free to ask me in the comments.

Want to Know the Path to Become a Digital Marketing Expert?Download Detailed Brochure and Get Complimentary access to Live Online Demo Class with Industry Expert Date: 29th Apr (Sat) Time: 3 PM IST

By clicking the above button, you agree to our terms and conditions and our privacy policy.

FAQ’s 1. How can I get a Google Digital Marketing Course?

Google’s Digital Unlocked portal is free; all you have to do is sign up. You can quickly finish your Google Digital Marketing course schedule which consists of twenty-six topics by watching the lessons and testing your knowledge with fun and simple quizzes. Finally, after you pass the test, you will be able to open qualification questions and earn certificates.

2. Is Google Digital Marketing Course worth it?

Google Digital Marketing Certification is unquestionably valuable. It’s an excellent course to take if you want to get started in digital marketing. Google does it for free, and it is approved by Open University and other organizations.

3. How will digital marketing add to your career?

According to Business Standard, the digital economy of India is expected to be a $1 trillion digital economy by 2022. This makes it obvious that the demand for digital marketing professionals will increase by leaps and bounds.

Most industry analysts agree that a job in digital marketing would be in higher demand after the COVID-19 pandemic. This is because companies will be able to invest more time and resources in selling their goods to reverse declining sales.

Since digital marketing jobs are in high demand, you have a lot more flexibility in negotiating your salary. One of the great aspects of digital marketing is that you do not have to work in-house. You may also operate as a freelancer or from home.

4. Who provides the Digital Marketing certification by Google?

Google Digital Garage provides a free Digital Marketing Certification course that teaches students the basics of digital marketing while also introducing them to Google products. Google will award you a certificate if you complete the course and pass the online test.

5. How can I be awarded a Digital Marketing certificate?

After obtaining Google certification, one would be regarded as a powerful and knowledgeable digital marketing expert. Both Google certifications are entirely online and fully free.

6. How to Enroll in Google Free Online Courses?

Google Digital Marketing Courses are structured to teach digital marketers everything they need to know about digital marketing in the most informative and realistic way possible. Before you begin, make sure that you are signed in to your Google Account. You should be signed in to your Google Account to view the majority of the Google Digital Marketing courses.

7. Are Google digital courses free?

Yes, you can discover a range of free learning content designed to help grow your business or jumpstart your career.

8. Can I get a job with a Google certificate?

Yes, you will gain access to an exclusive job platform where you can easily apply to opportunities from employers with open IT jobs or other related jobs.

9. Is there a fixed duration for completing modules?

No, there isn’t any fixed time to finish a module. You can put a hold on a difficult section and move on to something easier and then return to it when you’re ready.






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